October 11, 2023: Native Teen Guide in Training Program (NTGIT)

  • Gratitude to Sam Carter of River Radius Podcast for highlighting voices from this year’s trip. The NTGIT held its 12th year of training teenagers between ages 13-17 from various Tribal nations on being a river guide. This year was the first year that the guide staff for this program was all Indigenous!! The River Radius joined the NTGIT program at the boat ramp, campground and river warehouse to hear from the guides and the trainees.

August 8, 2023: The River Runs Through Us

  • Gratitude to Caroline Lewis of Root Awareness for allowing me to share my connection to the land and water and my hope for the young ones.

November 26, 2021: Born into these lands and waters

  • Gratitude to Kristina Young and the Colorado Plateau Foundation for allowing me to share my experience as an Indigenous guide, the importance of water, and ways to move forward in hiring more Native & Indigenous guides.

July 27, 2021: Episode 008: Colleen Cooley

  • Gratitude to Dan and Cody for allowing me to share my story, my experiences, and my connection and advocacy to the land and water that I am surrounded by. Check out their Beyond FLG podcast to learn more.